第4回研究成果技術革新普及全国会議(2011年5月 開催)


日時: 2011年5月3日~6日
会場: ジョモ=ケニヤッタ国際会議場
主催: ケニア共和国高等教育科学省ケニア科学技術評議会(NCST)
共催: 日本学術振興会(JSPS)ナイロビ研究連絡センター
参加者: 200名余り(Shaukat Abdulrazak NCST事務総長、Crispus Kiamba高等教育事務次官、Hellen Saambilli高等教育大臣、山田洋一郎公使、松本朋哉政策研究大学院大学助教授ほか)

本会議は、ケニアにおける学振の対応機関であり、ケニアで現地調査を行う研究者に対する研究許可証発行機関でもある、ケニア科学技術評議会 (National Council for Science and Technology; NCST)との共催で行われた。NCSTはケニア高等教育科学技術省に属する国家機関である。ケニアを2030年までに中進国の水準に発展させるというケ ニアの国家目標、2030年計画(「Vision 2030」)において、科学技術は発展の原動力として重視されている。NCSTではこうした国の要望に応えるべく、国内科学研究の成果を全国の研究者で共 有し、国民に広く還元することを目的として、2008年より全国の研究者を集め成果発表の機会を設けるべく本会議を企画している。学振ナイロビセンターも この会議の意義の大きさをみとめ、昨年度より本センターとの共催で開催されている。


会場では、Power Pointを利用した口頭発表のほか、全国の各研究機関の展示ブースを設け、具体的な技術革新の成果を展示させる催事を行っている。今回は、研究成果口頭 発表の論文数は実に78本を数え、その分野は農学、生態学、公衆衛生学、開発学、農村社会学、政策学など、理工農系の実学に重きを置いている近年のケニア の科学技術政策を反映して人文・社会系の研究成果が手薄にみえるとはいえ、昨年度開催時に比較してもずっと多岐にわたるものだったといえる。口頭発表はサ ブテーマによって5つのセッションに振り分けられ、2つの発表会場で発表がおこなわれた。最終日には、これら発表された78本の論文のなかから、審査に よって第1位~第3位まで優秀論文が選定されている。また、成果発表している研究者には20歳代から30歳代の若手研究者の姿が目立ち、現在ケニアが科学 研究と技術革新について若い力に期待していることがじゅうぶんにうかがえた。これだけの規模の全国会議を開催するには、当センターの共催、およびケニヤッ タ国際会議場における開催が必須であったと思われる。

日本からは、開会式において在ケニア日本大使館山田洋一郎公使によるスピーチ、および「農業と食糧安全保障」のセッションにおいて松本朋哉政策研究大学院 大学助教授の講演がなされた。また会期中はアブドゥルラザクNCST事務総長ほか主催者、大学・研究機関関係者、行政関係者らと会食し、ケニアの大学行政 や科学技術の現状について、日本の大学行政や震災・津波とそれにともなう原子力発電所の破損による被害について情報交換と交流をおこなった。

(白石 壮一郎)



  1. 1.    Evaluation of neonicotinoid seed dressing formulations for control of bean fly (Ophiomyia spp.) in snap beans at Mwea, Central Kenya.
    D.K. Misheck(1), J.H. Nderitu(1), J.M Kasina(2), G.C Ndiema1 and F. Olubayo(1)
    (1)University of Nairobi
    (2)Kenya Agricultural Research Institute
    Email: dankaburu[at]gmail.com
  2. 2.    Improving food security and human health through integration of organic manure and medicinal plants into Rice paddies in Ahero.
    E.D. Kokwaro, M. Gicheru, S. Okoth, F. Kariuki, and D. Ogingo.
    Kenyatta University and Kenya Agricultural Research Institute
    Email: elizkokwaro[at]yahoo.com
  3. 3.    Impact of Agronomic inputs in Sugarcane farming on surface river water quality in the Lake Victoria catchments
    S. Omwoma(1), J.O Lalah(2), D.M.K Ongeri(1), P. Okinda-Owuori(1)
    (1)Department of Chemistry, Maseno University, Kenya]
    (2)Kenya Polytechnic University College, Nairobi
    Email: solomwoma[at]yahoo.com
  4. 4.    Screening of Kenyan tea clones at different ecological zones for their susceptibility to mite attack and effect on the crop yields.
    V. Sudoi, E. Cheramgoi, J.K. Langat, S. M. Karamunya and F. K. Wachira
    Moi University.
    Email: echeramgoi[at]tearesearch.or.ke
  5. 5.    Preliminary isolation and characterization of bacterial endophytes from selected medicinal plants for anthelmintic metabolites.
    D. N. Siamba(1), H. M. Tsingalia(1), D. M. Kuria(2), A. Osogo(1) and P. Nyongesa(1)
    (1)Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kakamega
    (2)Nationa Animal Husbandry Research Centre, Naivasha.
    Email: nsiamba[at]yahoo.com
  6. 6.    Efficient garbage management through Biofertilizer development.
    J. M. Mghalu
    Pwani University College, Kilifi.
    Email: mwafaida[at]yahoo.com
  7. 7.    Comparative effects of organic and inorganic nutrient sources on Maize Yields at two sites in Western Kenya.
    P. A. Opala(1), J. R. Okalebo(2), and C. O. Othieno(2)
    (1)Kabianga University College.
    (2)Moi University.
    Email: ptropala[at]yahoo.com
  8. 8.    Trends in Land use and land cover change over a 21 year period in Katheka-Kai Settlement Scheme, Machakos District, Kenya.
    M. W. Baaru(1,2) and C. K. K. Gachene(2)
    (1Ministry of Agriculture
    (2)University of Nairobi
    Email: bmwamuyu[at]gmail.com or wabaaru[at]gmail.com
  9. 9.    Factors affecting the adoption of soil and Water Conservation practices In Kathekakai Settlement Scheme, Machakos District.
    V. N. Gathaara(1), C. K. K. Gachene(2), J. N. Ngugi(1), and M. W. Baara(2,3)
    (1)Kenya Agricultural Research Institute- Kabete.
    (2)University of Nairobi
    (3)Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya
    Email: vnkuria[at]yahoo.com or vgathaara[at]gmail.com
  10. 10.    Harnessing stakeholder synergies for enhanced Oil Crops value chain competitiveness in Central Kenya.
    E. S. Njeru(1), L. M. Kamundi(2), D. G. Karoki(3) and E. M. Nyakundi(4).
    (1)Kenya Agricultural Research Centre, Embu
    (2)Ministry of Agriculture, Meru.
    (3)Christian Community Services of Mt Kenya East, Kerugoya.
    (4)Eaglenet Group, Nairobi
    Email: njerues[at]yahoo.com
  11. 11.    Effects of vegetative macro contour line on soil moisture conservation and crop performance in Kathekakai settlement Scheme, Machakos District.
    C. K. K. Gachene(1) and M. W. Baaru(1,2)
    (1)University of Nairobi
    (2)Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya.
    Email: gachene[at]uonbi.ac.ke
  12. 12.    Effect of media and growth regulators on vegetative propagation of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.).
    P. Kiuru, S. J. N. Muriuki, S.B Wepukhulu, S. Kiiru, S. J. M. Muriuki, R. Mathini.
    KARI, Thika.
    Email: paulkiuru[at]yahoo.com
  13. 13.    Changes in Clonal tea plain tea quality parameters and yields due to location of production and plucking intervals.
    E. O. Jondiko(1), P. O. Owuori(1), and D. M. Kamau(2)
    (1)Maseno University, Maseno Kenya
    (2)Tea Research Foundation of Kenya, Kericho.
    Emails: owuorpo[at]africaonline.co.ke or okindaowuori[at]maseno.ac.ke
  14. 14.    Technologies to improve maize productivity in nutrient depleted acid soils of western Kenya
    Mathews M. Dida(1), Richard Osiyo(2), Julius O. Nyabundi(1).
    (1)Maseno University, Maseno.
    (2)Moi University, Eldoret.
    Email: mitodida[at]yahoo.com
  15. 15.    Parasite composition in cattle on pastoral transhumance across districts in North Coast, Kenya.
    D. M. Mutyambai(1), E. E. Akhusama(2), H.B Dzila(1), J. M. Karuga(3) and S. K. Kabochi(4)
    (1)Ministry of Livestock Development, Witu Veterinary Investigation Laboratory.
    (2)Ministry of Livestock Development, Masalani
    (3)Ministry of Livestock Development, Malindi.
    (4)Ministry of Livestock, Development, Kangemi.
    Email: dmutyamba[at]yahoo.com
  16. 16.    Dual prevalence, incidence and severity of Cassava Brown Streak Virus and Cassava Mosaic Geminiviruses in local cassava landraces.
    J. Irungu(1,2), J. J. Ngeranwa(2) and W. D. Miano(1).
    (1)Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Nairobi.
    (2)Kenyatta University, Nairobi.
    Email: irunjohn[at]yahoo.com
  17. 17.    Effects of 1-Menthylcyclopropene (1-MCP) and Active Modified Atmosphere packaging on the post harvest shelf life of Tomatoes.
    J. Ambuko(1), P. Yumbya(1), M. J. Hutchinson(1) and W. Owino(2).
    (1)University of Nairobi, Kangemi
    (2)Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.
    Email: ambuko[at]yahoo.com
  18. 18.    Evaluation of entomopathogenic nematodes as a biological control agent against the African white head rice stem borer Maliarpha separatella Ragonot.
    V.M. Kega(1), J. H. Nderitu(2), F. Olubayo(2) and M. Kasina(3)
    (1)Kenya Agricultural Research Institute-Katumani, Machakos.
    (2)College of Agriculture and Veterinary Services, University of Nairobi
    (3)Kenya Agricultural Research Institute-NARL, Nairobi
    Email: vincentkega[at]yahoo.com
  19. 19.    Effect of Polyethylene Glycol on gas production and degradability of selected Acacia Species.
    I.M Osuga(1), I.H Isaak(2), S.A. Abdulrazak(3) and T. Fujihara(4)
    (1)Kenyatta University, Nairobi
    (2)Ministry of Livestock Development, Nairobi
    (3)National Council for Science and Technology, Nairobi
    (4)Mie University, Japan
    Email: Isaac_osuga[at]yahoo.com
  20. 20.    Evaluation of leaf nutrients levels as a diagonistic tool of predicting deficiencies in Clonal tea.
    B.O. Kwach(1), P.O. Owuori(1), D.M. Kamau(2), J.K. Wanyoko(2)
    (1)Maseno University, Maseno
    (2)Tea Research Foundation of Kenya, Kericho
  21. 21.    An alternative method of preparing diammonium phosphate fertilizer for Greenhouse Tomato Production.
    M. M. Maximilla
    Kisumu polytechnic
    Email: mutenyomakhanu[at]yahoo.com
  22. 22.    Drying of Lethrinus species in a solar windmill system, dome dryer and drying rack in Kipini
    P.M Oduor-Odote(1) and D. Shitanda(2)
    (1)Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institue, Mombasa
    (2)Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi
    Email: podote[at]kmfri.co.ke
  23. 23.    Potential of producing the antagonistic Fungus Trichoderma harzianum on locally available substrate.
    E. Cheramgoi and S. Kibet.
    Tea Research foundation of Kenya, Kericho
    Email: cherameve[at]yahoo.com
  24. 24.    Organic versus conventional agriculture: Maize performance in a Long-Term farming systems comparisons trial.
    A.W. Muriuki(1), M.W. Musyoka(2), J. Cobo(3), C. Zundel(3), B. Vanlauwe(4), M. Mucheru-Muna(5) and J. Kamau(1)
    (1)Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Thika
    (2)International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology, Nairobi
    (3)Research Institute of Organic Farming (FIBL), Switzerland, Ackersltrasse CH-5070 Frick
    (4)Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (TSBF-CIAT), Nairobi
    (5)Department of Environmental Foundation, Kenyatta University, Nairobi
    Email: annewmuriuki[at]yahoo.co.uk
  25. 25.    Participatory dissemination of Mango Agro-processing technologies to enhance small scale farmers’ income in Easter Kenya.
    C. W. Gathambiri, J. G. Gitonga, J. K. Njuguna, S. N. Kiiru, E. K. Gatambia, M. Kamau, and M. N. Muchui
    Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Thika.
    Email: cgathambiri[at]yahoo.com
  26. 26.    Molecular identification of pathogens associated with root rots and stem cankers of macadamia in Kenya.
    J. N. Mbaka(1), A. McLeod(2), C. Spies(2), L. Turoop(3), M.M. Waiganjo(1), and L.S Wamocho(4)
    (1)Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Thika
    (2)Plant Pathology Department, Stellenbosch University, Matieland 7601, South Africa
    (3)Department of Horticulture, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi
    (4)Masinde Muliro University of Agriculture and Technology, Kakamega
    Email: jnmbaka[at]yahoo.com
  27. 27.    Technology for mass harvesting of edible termites and lake flies for food security.
    M. A. Ayieko, J. Odhiambo, P. Ogweno, J. Achacha, J. Anyango Midega.
    Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute, Kisumu
    Email: monica_ayieko[at]yahoo.com
  28. 28.    Parasite composition in cattle on pastoral transhumance across districts in North Coast, Kenya.
    D. M. Mutyambai, E.E Akhusama, H. B. Dzila, J. M. Karuga, S. K. Kabochi.
    Email: dmutyamba[at]yahoo.com
  29. 29.    Distribution of Potato tuber moth (Phthiromaea operculella Zeller) and damage caused on potato tubers (Solanom tuberosum L) in farmers stores.
    W. S. Olubayo, F. Nderitu, J. Koech and D. Kilalo
    Email: fmmogi[at]yahoo.com
  30. 30.    A resource of neglected leguminous plants for food security, health and poverty alleviation in semi-arid and arid regions in Africa: the case of Tylosema genus, Sunguprot and porridge.
    J. I. J. Ogoche(1), M. M. Dida(1), J. Orwa(2), R. O. Wasuna(2), P. Ngunjiri(3), E. Onyango(3), and M. Odotte(3).
    (1)Maseno University, Maseno
    (2)Kenya Medical Research Institute, Nairobi.
    (3)Kenya Industrial Research Institute, Nairobi.
    Email: jjondiko[at]yahoo.com or jondiko.job[at]gmail.com
  31. 31.    Efficacy of recommended pesticides for seed dressing and spraying of navy beans.
    D. Rotich, J. H. Nderitu, G. N. chemining’wa, J. Kasina and F. Olubayo.
    University of Nairobi
    Email: umchemin[at]hotmail.com
  32. 32.    Effect of Two Yeast Supplements on In vitro Ruminal Degradability of Selected Browse Species from Kenya.
    Caroline C. Wambui(1,2), Isaac M. Osuga(5), Sada Ando(3), Shaukat A. Abdulrazak(4), I. H. Isaak(6) and Toshiyoshi Ichinohe(1,2)
    (1)The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Tottori University, Tottorishi, Japan
    (2)Faculty of Life and Environment Science, Shimane University, Matsue-shi, Japan
    (3)National Livestock Breeding Centre, Odakurahara, Fukushima, Japan
    (4)Kenya National Council for Science and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya
    (5)School of Agriculture and Enterprise Development, Kenyatta University, Kenya
    (6)Ministry of Livestock Development, Nairobi, Kenya
    Email: Isaac_osuga[at]yahoo.com

  34. 33.    Broad analysis of parameters sensitivity of various sizes of Dynamic Load Model to explore Voltage stability
    J. M. Kinyua, C. M. Mureithi, D. K. Murage
    Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology, Nairobi
    Email: jmsmuriuki[at]yahoo.com
  35. 34.    Micro-temperature change in relation to Urban Built-form: Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) and bioclimatic regional classification in Kenya
    Y. H. Ebrahim
    University of Nairobi
    Email: ebrahim[at]uonb.ac.ke
  36. 35.    ICTS and National development in Kenya: Challenges of E-governance
    G. Makori, M. Kariuki, O. Ngumi and C. Mumiukha
    Egerton University Njoro
    Email: georgemno[at]yahoo.com
  37. 36.    High performance computing for Scientific and Technological development in Kenya.
    G. Amolo, E. Ochieng, N. Makau and Z. Mapelu
    Chepkoilel University College, Eldoret
    Email: georgeamolo862[at]gmail.com
  38. 37.    The State of ICT penetration and utilization in Local authorities in Kenya
    B. M. Kiula(1), J. M. Wafula(1) and J. M. Kihoro(2)
    (1)ICT Directorate
    (2)Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi
    Emails: bmkiula[at]aa.jkuat.ac.ke or bmkiula[at]gmail.com
  39. 38.    A multi-layered and networked (Mul-Net) national ICT strategy conceptual frmawork for sustainable development.
    J. M. Wafula(1) and A. J. Rodrigues(2)
    (1)Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi
    (2)Bondo University College
    Email: muliaro[at]yahoo.com


  41. 39.    Factors affecting performance of women-owned enterprises in Kisii Central district.
    Q. J. Omwenga(1), G. S. Namusonge(2), J. K. Gitonga(1).
    (1)Kenya Agriculture Research Institute-Thika
    (2)Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi
    Email: omwengaqj[at]yahoo.com
  42. 40.    Capacity Development of persons with disability; A step towards achieving Visions 2030
    K. O. Mbeja
    Maseno University, Maseno
    Email: ken2010mbeja[at]gmail.com
  43. 41.    Base Line Survey: Policy implementation for revival of Cashew nut Industry in Kilifi.
    J. Olang’o, S. Lusweti, H. Shauri,
    Pwani University College, Kilifi
    Email: olangojo[at]gmail.com
  44. 42.    Community Land Tenure In Kenya: Towards an equitable and sustainable land use system.
    C. Odongo
    Mount Kenya University, School of Law, Nairobi
    Email: codongo07[at]yahoo.com
  45. 43.    The Impact of the new water policies and institutions on water resource Management and access to safe drinking water in Kenya.
    L. M. Kisovi and I. W. Muasya
    University of Nairobi

  47. 44.    Nutraceutical composition of indigenous mushrooms from the Western Kenya region.
    A.A. Shitandi(1), M.G.K. Anakalo(2), S. M. Mahungu(2).
    (1)Kisii University College
    (2)Egerton University
    Email: anakalo.shitanda[at]kisiiuniversity.ac.ke
  48. 45.    Epidemiologica factors determining highland Clinical malaria in Iguhu, Western Province of Kenya.
    E. M. Walters
    Egerton University
    Email: supecks[at]yahoo.com
  49. 46.    Use of chicken antibodies for the immunochemical detection of Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) proteins.
    J. Kiio(1) and B. De Meulenaer(2)
    (1)Kenyatta University, Nairobi
    (2)Ghent University, Gent, Belgium
    Email: Julianakiio[at]yahoo.com
  50. 47.    Preliminary isolation and characterization of Bacterial endophytes from selected medicinal plants for Anthelmintic metabolites.
    D. N. Siamba(1), H. M. Tsingalia(1), D. M. Kuria(2), A. Osogo(1) and P. Nyongesa(1)
    (1)Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kakamega
    (2)National Animal Husbandry Research Centre, Naivasha.
    Email: dnsiamba[at]yahoo.com
  51. 48.    Complementary feeding practices of children less than 36 months in Kiambiu, Nairobi
    B. Galma
    Kenya Agriculture Research Institute, Thika
    Email: buke.galma[at]yahoo.com
  52. 49.    Development of Zedupex as a management therapy for herpes infections: Results of preclinical evaluations.
    F. M. Tolo(1,2), G. M. Rukunga(1,2), J. Orwa(1), L. Keter(1), C. N. Muthaura(1), R. Karanja(3),
    I. Wekesa(4), S. Murunga(4) and B. Mutuku(4)
    (1)CTMDR, Kenya Medical Research Institute, Nairobi
    (2)Institute of Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases (ITROMID), Nairobi
    (3)CBRD, Kenya Medical Research Institute, Nairobi
    (4)Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute, Nairobi
    Email: ftolo[at]kemri.org<
  53. 50.    Innovative African food products with prolonged Shelf-life for health and wealth creation.
    M. K. Walingo, I. J. Jondiko, F. O. Habwe
    Maseno University, Maseno
    Email: marywalingo[at]yahoo.com
  54. 51.    Process optimization of a herbal based low sodium table salt (Papina)
    L. Keter(1), Z. Mwaghadi(2), R. Karanja(1), I. Wekesa(2), S. Murunga(2), F. Tolo(1), B. Gituku(2), W. Ronoh(1), P. Ngunjiri(2), P. Mwitari(1) and J. Orwa(1)
    (1)Kenya Medical Research Institute, Nairobi
    (2)Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute, Nairobi
    Email: iketer[at]kemri.org
  55. 52.    Safety and toxicity of selected herbal preparation in use in, Kenya
    N. W. N. Maina(1), J. M. Kagiri(2), K. Muturi and M. Ngotho.
    (1)Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
    (2)Institute of Primate Research, Nairobi
  56. 53.    Post-Treatment prevalence Of Schistosomiasis and concurrent Geohelminthic infections in human risk groups along Lake Victoria.
    O. A. Njiri, R. O. Odhiambo(1), R. S. Shivairo(1), D. Karanja(2)
    (1)Egerton University
    (2)KEMRI/CDC Kisumu
    Email: oli2098[at]yahoo.com

  58. 54.    Construction of a generic reference material for gamma ray spectrometric analysis
    J. M. Kebwaro(1), N. O. Hashim(1), A. O. Mustapha(2)
    (1)Kenyatta University, Nairobi Kenya
    (2)University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria
    Email: jeremonari[at]yahoo.co.uk
  59. 55.    Removal of Chromate and Phosphate ions using electrospun Chitosan/Polyacrylamide nanofibers.
    R. M. Nthumbi(1), A. Kindness(1), B. Moodley(1), L. Petrik(2), J. C. Ngila(1)
    (1)University of KwaZulu Natal, Westville Durban 4000
    (2)Deaprtment of Chemistry, Faculty of science, University of Western Cape, Bellville7535
  60. 56.    The spatial and temporal distribution of low level winds their relationship with March – May season rainfall over Kenya
    P. O. Sagero
    University of Nairobi
    Email: phsagero[at]student.uonbi.ac.ke
  61. 57.    Microalgae species biodiversity and abundance and their potential for Biofuel in Kenya.
    L. U. Abubakar, A. M. Mutie, E. U. Kenya, A. Muhoho.
    University of Nairobi
    Email: labubakar[at]uonbi.ac.ke
  62. 58.    Growth and analysis of Algal Species as a source of Bio-Diesel.
    N. Oyaro, E. Githae, E. Siameto, C. S. Kirui
    Narok University College, Narok
    Email: oyarokema[at]yahoo.com
  63. 59.    Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) spectroscopic and multivariate chemometric analysis of heavy metal characteristics of shore Sediments at Port Victoria, Kenya.
    S. T. Masinde(1), N. O. Hashima(1) and H. K. Angeyo(2)
    (1)Kenyatta University, Nairobi
    (2)University of Nairobi
    Email: mashpa7[at]yahoo.com
  64. 60.    Hydrocarbon retention efficiencies of Kimondi, river Nyando and river Nzoia wetlands and their impact on socio-economic status of residents within the selected Area
    S. Mule, C. Nguta, J. Nyamari and G. Kimathi
    University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Eldoret
  65. 61.    Implication of Vision 2030 on Electricity distribution system planning in Kenya.
    M. J. Saulo, M. S. Mbogho, C. M. Matoka
    Mombasa Polytechnic University, Mombasa
    Email: michaelsaulo[at]yahoo.com
  66. 62.    Use of ANN models to predict solar radiator in Kenya.
    J. I. Mwasiagi(1), J. R. Ochola(1), J. K. Kiplagat(2), L. N. Kinuthia(3), A. W. Waithaka(4)
    (1)Moi University, Eldoret
    (2)Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shangai, China
    (3)Egerton University
    (Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRD), Nairobi
    Email: igadwa[at]gmail.com or igadwa[at]mu.ac.ke
  67. 63.    Advanced water quality monitoring program
    G. Wetang’ula, H. Wamalwa
    Geothermal Development Company, Nakuru
    Email: hwamalwa[at]gdc.co.ke
  68. 64.    Approaches to managing Human-Wildlife conflicts: The case of Tsavo Conservation Area in Kenya
    S. M. Makindi(1), W. Olelebo(2), M. N. Mutinda(3), A. A. Aboud(3)
    (1)Department of Environmental Science, Egerton University
    (2)Kenya Wildlife Service
    (3)Department of Natural Resources, Egerton University
    Email: aboud.egerton[at]gmail.com
  69. 65.    Power distribution efficiency based on reactive power and power factor
    C. M. Ndung’u, L. M. Ngoo, J. N. Nderu
    Jomo Kenya University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi
  70. 66.    Conversion of wastewater into commercial useful biomass
    H. Murage
    Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi
    Email: hunjamurage[at]googlemail.com
  71. 67.    Optimum amount of Refrigerant in a Refrigeration system using Thermodynamic and Physical properties of the Refrigerant.
    P. M. Wainaina(1), M. R. Njue(2), W. O. Ogola(3)
    (1)Department of Industrial and Energy engineering, Egerton University
    (2)Agricultural Engineering Department, Egerton University
    (3)Kenya Polytechnic University College, Nairobi
     Email: ptckwaina[at]yahoo.com
  72. 68.    Simulations in the optimization of industrial systems performances (a feasibility analysis on pumps at new KCC Nyahururu-Improving tool practice to increase system efficiency).
    P. T. Kioi
    Masinde Muliro University
    Email: thpaul09[at]yahoo.co.uk
  73. 69.    Materials for Solar energy applications: A Computational modeling study.
    K. K. Korir, W. M. Mulwa, P. B. Kandie, N. W. Makau and G. O. Amolo
    Chepkoilel University College, Moi University, Eldoret
    Email: Nwmakau68[at]gmail.com
  74. 70.    Heavy metals concentration in roadside soils around Nairobi using EDXRF Spectrometer.
    F. O. Wanjala(1), I. V. S. Rathore(2), J. Murungi(2), J. M. Mangala(3)
    (1)National Council for Science and Technology, Nairobi
    (2)Kenyatta University, Nairobi
    (3)Institute of Nuclear Science, University of Nairobi, Nairobi
  75. 71.    Synthesis, characterization and electrochemical studies of heterobinuclear Vanadyl and Molybdenum Mononistrosyl complexes linked by Schiff Base ligands.
    S. S. Mukhebi(1), M. K. Gerald(1) and S. M. Kagwanja(2)
    (1)Kenyatta University, Nairobi
    (2)Egerton University, Njoro
    Email: jmsituma[at]yahoo.com
  76. 72.    Biofuel extraction from cassava (manihot esculenta) in Kilifi, Coast Province
    M. Muniafu
    School of Science and Technology USIU, Nairobi
    Email: mmuniafu[at]usiu.ac.ke
  77. 73.    Biodiversity assessment of Chyulu Hills ecosystem: Plants, Mammals, Birds and their use by the adjacent local communities
    W. Musila(1), S. Kivai(2), N. Moinde-Fockler(2), A. Hussein(2), F. Pundi(2), S. Nyaga(3), T. Ochieng(1), M. Githiru(1), J. Kimeu(1), C. Chesire(1), A. Kioko(2) and E. Mati(2)
    (1)National Museums of Kenya
    (2)Institute of Primate Research, Kenya
    (3)Kenya Wildlife Service – Tsavo West National Park, Research Department, Mtito-Andei
    Email: wmusila[at]yahoo.com
  78. 74.    Challenges of hazardous waste management in research and academic institutions in Kenya.
    A.A. Ali and S. Cheboi
    Central for Biodiversity, National Museums of Kenya
    Email: aadan[at]museum.or.ke
  79. 75.    Evaluating the use of constructed wetland in the treatment of tannery wastewater
    F. Kilonzo(1), M. Waweru(1), U. Mutwiwa(2), C. Muriuki(2), S. Mutua(3), S. Mutheu(4)
    (1)Kenyatta University, Nairobi
    (2)JKUAT, Nairobi
    (3)Kenya Industrial research and Development Institute, KIRDI, Nairobi
    (4)Leather Industries of Kenya, Thika
    Email: fndambuki[at]gmail.com
  80. 76.    Prospects for floods management in Nzoia river basin by water transfer to Suam river basin
    J. K. Kibiiy, G. N. Nyandwaro, L. O. Muku and J. K. Ng’etich
    Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Eldoret
    Email: kibiiy[at]yahoo.com
  81. 77.    Estimating the role of the Mau forest Complex as a Carbon sink
    M. Kinyanjui
    Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
    Email: mwakinyaa[at]yahoo.com
  82. 78.    Changes induced by an electric fence on the forest bird community in Arabuko-Sokoke forest
    P. Njoroge, W. Musila, C. Warui and M. Githiru
    National museums of Kenya, Nairobi
    Email: pnjoroge[at]museums.or.ke
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