【日時】 8月31日(月)午前10時より
【場所】 日本学術振興会ナイロビ研究連絡センター
【演者】 柳田幸紀氏(横浜国立大学博士前期課程)
【使用言語】 英語
【演題】 Education Governance through Inspection System in Kenya
【講演内容】 The presentation pays attention to institution on teacher inspection, whose role is a connection between government and school, and its objective is to improve aid efficiency on educational administration through making clear the historical role of inspector or supervisor and their actual monitoring situation in the first secondary education in Kenya.
I will overlook international discussions on quality and governance of education, and examine the view required for monitoring. I will take Kenya as the case study in developing countries. According to SACMEQ result, the education quality in Kenya is higher than the other nations in Africa. I think that one of the crucial reasons is keeping educational governance well, particularly good monitoring system. By studying the Inspectorate (QASO), the system possibly would be applied for improving the quality of education in the other African nations, as well as Kenya itself more.