【日時】 9月3日(火)午前10時より
【場所】 日本学術振興会ナイロビ研究連絡センター
【演者】 大川純代氏(東京大学修士課程)
【招待評者】 ミリアム-ウェレ博士(ケニア共和国エイズ対策評議会前会長、野口英世アフリカ賞受賞者)
【使用言語】 英語
【演題】 Perceived social support and psychological well-being of AIDS orphans in Kenya
【講演内容】 AIDS orphans tend to have psychological distress. Supports by primary caregivers, friends and family are protective factors for psychological well-being of AIDS orphans. However, there are limited studies that quantified the association between perceived social support and psychological well-being among AIDS orphans.
We conduct a cross sectional study in Nairobi, assisted by Kenya AIDS NGOs consortium and Kibera Community Self Help Programme. Using the official record of orphans and vulnerable children managed by district children’s office, we recruited 400 pairs of AIDS orphans and their caregivers in communities. After informed consents are given, the participants of this study answer self-administered questionnaire. Socio-demographic characteristics both of caregivers and orphans are also provided. Only orphans are asked about perceived social support, depression and self-esteem.
In this seminar, we will present an interim report on this study.