

2018年2月15、16日、ルワンダ・キガリのルワンダ大学において、文部科学省日本留学海外拠点連携推進事業が主催する日本-ルワンダ学術交流・留学生フェアを共催しました。ルワンダ大学Philip Cotton学長や、在ルワンダ日本国大使館宮下孝之大使が登壇され、留学生フェアには1,000人以上が来場するなど、盛況なイベントとなりました。


Prof. Philip Cotton (Vice Chancellor, The University of Rwanda)
Mr. So Kawanabe (Deputy Executive Director, Institute for International Collaboration, Hokkaido University)
Dr. Daisuke Mizoguchi (Director, Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences Naiorbi Research Station)
Ambassador Charles Murigande (Deputy Vice Chancellor in change of Institutional Advancement, The University of Rwanda)
Mr. Takayuki Miyashita (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Rwanda)
Mr. Horoyuki Takada (Chief Representative, Japan International Cooperation Agency Rwanda Office)
Prof. Masahiro Okumura (Director, Hokkaido University Africa Office in Lusaka)
Mr. Itsuro Tsutumi (Director, Information Service Division, Student Exchange Department, Japan Student Service Organization)
Ms. Midori Tanaka (Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Rwanda)
Dr. Anselme Shyaka (College of Agriculture and Vetrinary Medicine, The University of Rwanda)

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